Evolve MVNO Services Faster with a Next-Gen IoT Platform

Internet of Things (IoT) as a technology is still in its infancy, but it has already made a major impact on many lives and business operations. Industries like agriculture and healthcare are already utilizing the power of IoT to create maximum impact in people’s lives. Also, we have many home improvement systems, home surveillance systems etc. that are enhancing the quality of life for the future. But IoT is a technology with unbridled potential and unknown requirements Therefore, it needs to be backed by a consistently upgraded IoT platform.Continue reading

Create an Unbeatable MVNO Strategy with Proven IoT Services Provider

IoT can be a hard nut to crack for MVNOs with traditional billing and B/OSS platforms. The scope of IoT is immense and requires proven expertise in the telecom domain. For an MVNO, the challenge is to grow its capabilities in a range of different verticals and at the same time come up with innovative business tactics. However, doing both at the same time can be a huge struggle for small virtual operators. Therefore, they need the help of proven IoT services provider.Continue reading